Internation Workshop, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Invitation to Dinner
The project “INTEGRATION FROM ONE TO MANY” participated in the international compe- tition GIDE Ljubljana 2013, for which I was chosen with my team. The competition was organized by the GIDE in the city of Lju- bljana (Slovenia) from 11/02/2013 to 15/02/2013. The week included a workshop, on the 13 bridges in the city under the theme: Invitation to Dinner. Fittings and ideas for using the 13 bridges connection, through the formation of 13 groups, made up of students from seven di erent colleges:
University of Dundee, Leeds College of Art, Academy of Design in Ljubljana, SUPSI in Lugano, Magdeburg University, Lessius Mechelen University College, Politecnico di Milano.

This was a great experience for me and my work group, being one of the winners was opinion